Since 2002, T&T Foods has played a major role in the import and distribution of Asian products. With over 4,600 products in stock and 4 of its own brands, the company meets the everyday needs of consumers.

Located near Mulhouse, France, the T&T Foods teams inaugurated their new premises last July. To support their growth, the specialist in Asian products now has a 135,625 sq ft warehouse.


T&T Foods, a major player in its sector

Managing the logistics of a large area such as the 135,625 sq ft warehouse is a real challenge for the company. With thousands of references, the challenges are considerable in terms of mobility, productivity and product traceability. Faced with these challenges and the demands of an ever-changing market, T&T Foods chose to entrust this project to Satelix.


Satelix Logistics: an innovative solution

The Satelix Logistics solution was used to equip the warehouse staff with barcode terminals. Thanks to an Android application installed directly on the terminal, each item can be tracked in real time, from arrival to dispatch.

The Satelix Logistics WMS also offers warehouse staff greater mobility, enabling them to manage their stocks quickly and efficiently. The barcode technology embedded in the terminals optimises inventory operations and considerably reduces order processing time. Warehousemen no longer have to go back and forth in the warehouse, knowing exactly where each item is located.


Meeting the challenges of traceability

In the food industry, and particularly in large warehouses like T&T Foods', product traceability has become a priority. In response to regulatory requirements and growing consumer expectations in terms of food hygiene and safety, a WMS is the answer to this challenge.

Satelix Logistics offers a mobile, customised solution. Thanks to its functionalities, the solution ensures complete traceability of products from receipt to delivery. Batch number tracking also ensures immediate responsiveness in the event of a product recall.


Logistics transformation

Implementing the Satelix Logistics WMS has had a major impact. Indeed, the speed and precision offered by the solution are translating into improved productivity. T&T Foods' warehouse staff can now carry out inventories and process orders efficiently and with peace of mind, in order to meet customers' needs.

Adopting a WMS solution is therefore a real asset for companies wishing to improve their efficiency and productivity, while making their processes more reliable and reducing the risk of errors.

T&T Foods demonstrates in concrete terms how adopting advanced technologies such as the Satelix Logistics WMS transforms day-to-day logistics operations.


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